In order to uninstall Betternet from your Windows computer, you will first need to go to the Control Panel.
To get to Control Panel on Windows 8 and 10, press and hold the "Windows Key" and at the same time hit the "i" key. This will bring up the menu on the right side where you will be able to navigate to the Control Panel.
For older Windows versions, go to the Start Menu and select Control Panel from there.
Once you have Control Panel open, you will need to open up "Programs and Features". Be sure to have the view set to "Small Icons"
Now locate and select Betternet Application in the list of installed programs and click "Uninstall/Change".
Just click on Uninstall.
Wait for the Uninstall Manager to finish uninstalling the application. You will be asked to click on the "Finish" button once the uninstaller has removed Betternet from your computer.
Now you need to restart your computer and you are done!